7-9 Niall Burgess Road, Mt Wellington

DHL moves stuff. With a presence in 220 countries, they claim to be the logistics company for the world, ensuring that what needs to be delivered, gets delivered.

Not surprising then, that – in New Zealand – DHL is a PFI tenant. Our fifth largest, in fact: at 7-9 Niall Burgess Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland. They’ve been there since 1996 and their lease was due to expire in October 2016...

We can tell you that we are the experts in industrial property and that we understand industrial tenants, but that rhetoric is put to the test in the give-and-take of tough negotiations like this one. Global companies like DHL know what they want and they expect to get it. What they wanted was to stay at Niall Burgess Road, but what they expected was that the numbers would stack up.

They’re staying. After months of intricate, amicable, multi-faceted deliberations, we have reached an agreement with DHL that extends the lease until March 2020, with a right of renewal beyond that. They’re happy; we’re happy. They continue to deliver. And so do we.

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